Links to other web sites provided here, are subject to that site's privacy policy when you leave our site. We are not responsible for the contents of any "off-site" web page referenced. Web site links do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation, they are simply provided as an informational resource.
For Seniors:
Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network: https://POAMN.org
Seniors Matter website: Pittsburgh - Seasons
What Is Medicare? | Plans, Coverage, Costs & Enrollment: (retireguide.com)
The Ultimate Internet Safety Guide for Seniors in 2023 (safetydetectives.com)
The 10 Best Assisted Living Facilities in Pittsburgh, PA for 2023 (caring.com)​
Assistance for Seniors | Food and Nutrition Service (usda.gov)
Pittsburgh Presbytery:
The Pittsburgh Presbytery (pghpresbytery.org)